Dining table conversation!

Aaryan's POV:

"See aaryan also came. Has kabir slept beta?" asked my mom.

" Yes maa. He just slept."

"How did he stop crying so soon. I assumed that you must be having a night duty" said my brother laughing.

"That is because he knows that his dadda is too tired today to manofy him for hours. Also I bribed him to let him bath for 2 hours tomorrow. Now shut up and have your food and let me have mine."

"See my child manages both office and home, so stop irritating him Dev. Aaryan don't you think.." Cutting off my mom in between because I already know where this topic is going.

" Maa please...don't tell me that this whole second marriage crap has not left your mind inspite of me explaining the reasons to you for thousand times now. Atleast now let me live in peace please."

"Aaryan..." Oh common now I have to explain this to dad also.

"See aryan we know that unlike last time now you have a very big responsibility with you. Your priority is Kabir but you also need to understand that kabir needs a mother. Moreover you need a partner because at the end of the day we look for a person with whom we can share our joys and sorrows and how old are you anyway that you can't go over second option." Dad explained me but he is not understanding what I am trying to say...seems like I have to vocalise my thoughts clearly in front of them so as to end this topic for full and final.

"Dad I know what are you trying to say but no any girl on this planet would accept a man whole heartedly knowing that he has a son already. Every girl dreams for a happily ever after but with me she would be sacrificing and not for a day, not for a month, not for a year but for her whole life. And I don't want anymore regrets in my life."

" Regrets..what regrets beta"

"Dad I will always regret that the person whom I loved the most didn't deserve it. I will always regret that kabir will always be deprived of motherly love and dad I don't want to regret that the girl's life could have been much better if she had never met me or married me.

I know at some point of time Kabir will ask me for his mother but I can and I will manage that situation. Maa you believe me right?" Hope flickered in my eyes expecting a positive response.

" I believe you beta. That girl was so unlucky, she lost a gem like you. My aaryan is world's best son and world's bestest dad. If you don't want no one will now persuade you further."she said with tears in her eyes.

"Bhai there was no need of so much melodrama...we know that you are not ready to let go your freedom one more time..." said my super annoying brother.

"Shut up Dev" This time it was Dad...Yay..Bingo.

Phew!! Mission accomplished. Second Marriage over and out.

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Love you until next time.

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